
Recommendations on How to Reach the Full Potential of the Proposed European Health Data Space

hospital staff walking and talking

HIMSS stands ready to support the creation of the European Health Data Space (EHDS). We believe that our organisation can contribute significantly to the joint effort that is needed across the continuum of the health ecosystem to ensure that the EHDS will be developed as a well-used resource that responds to real needs.

What we recommend

To reach the full potential of EHDS to create a long lasting legacy for generations to come, HIMSS urges the European Parliament and the Council as co legislators, as well as the European Commission and the Member States to pay attention to the issues listed below, not only throughout the legislative process for adopting the Regulation on the EHDS, but also in the next phases when further implementing details will be developed and structures, processes will be put in place at EU, national and regional levels to execute the vision of the EHDS.

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